We’re With Stu!
Friday night, July 2nd, was truly an unforgettable night for all at the sold out House of Blues in Boston. Throughout the venue, whether it be a banner, a t-shirt, or poster there were three simple words:
Everyone in attendance was connected one way or another by Brendan “Stu” Maguire, former bass player for Bane and Reach The Sky, and a cherished crew member in the Boston music community. This was his show, 100%. Sadly, he had passed the Sunday before the show. What was meant to be a benefit show for Maguire and his family, became a celebration of his life. It was planned with bands of his choosing: The Bouncing Souls, Sick of It All, H2O, and Rebuilder and set lists that included his favorite songs.
Each band poured their heart and soul into their performance, all while making sure the audience remembered why we were there. At one point or another during each set, they would start a “WE’RE WITH STU!” chant and the crowd would quickly follow. After all, it was his night. Many tributes were made and countless memories were shared throughout the show. Both cheerful and heartbreaking, all at the same time. Rebuilder ended their set with a cover of a Reach The Sky song and The Bouncing Souls reworked parts of Manthem and True Believer’s to fit in Stu. Sick of It All’s singer, Lou Koller, reminisced about when Stu was just a roadie and would tell people he was “the worst ever.” With a big smile and laugh, Lou would always disagree. However, the biggest surprise of it all was the reunion of the Massachusetts hardcore band, Bane.
Before beginning their set, Maguire’s bass was propped up against an amp underneath a spotlight as a short clip of his voice played throughout the venue. It was a bittersweet moment for all in attendance, including his wife and two daughters. You could feel that the room was filled with a dash of happiness as people reminisce at the sound of his voice and a sprinkle of sorrow. The bass remained in its place for the remainder of the set, as a reminder that a piece of him will always be with the band and us as a community.